“When the body is in a state of anxiety, physical, mental and, in particular, creative processes are blocked. Anxiety, taking over the body, creates fears, numbness, defenselessness in it, the instincts of self-preservation manifest themselves more acutely.

Over the past two years of full-scale active and continuous war, Ukrainian territory has turned from a space delineated by a border and law into a living, vulnerable, breathing organism. It is full of wounds, he suffers every day and at the same time he heals, he longs for healing and justice. This organism is people. People are tired but they are building their lives step by step by action, faith, spirit and body.

We manifest the continuity visually through the body, we create a sign, an impulse, a message with the body. Its presence brings us closer to biological, social, and political spheres.

And what is this body like today? What did it become? How do we feel it from the inside, and how is it seen from the outside?”

"Days of Performance Art. School of Performance" will take place from June 18 to 22. This year, the festival program is based on the experience of the Czech project FNAF (Festival of Naked Forms), which explores the body, corporeality and various forms of their expression through a visual sign. The theme of the five-day meeting of Czech and Ukrainian performers is "Anxiety in the Body".

“School of Performance” will take place at the Lviv National Academy of Arts at the Contemporary Art Practices Department. Workshops will be led by professional Czech performers Lenka KLODOVA, Antonin BRINDA, Adam MICHALEK.

PERFORMANCE symposium 2020

21.12.2020. For the last few months, we have been full of uncertainty and questions, sometimes even blocked by them. The appearance of freedom is present but its visibility is limited by instructions and forced isolation, which requires adaptation to contactless. We are surrounded by a transparent barrier, and we are separated by it. Sometimes it […]

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the program I− AM− HERE− by Kineret Haya Max [2019] [video]

August 31 – September 03, 10:00-14:00, the Program I− AM− HERE− by Kineret Haya Max in frame of the School of Performance 2019. I- AM- HERE- Each of the essence − I, Am, Here is a container of circumstances. The inherent electricity of performance art has a lot to do with the constantly changing reality. […]

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Berezil is a movement
and when it will stop being a movement, it will deny its own name – it will not exist anymore

It is a free association with dynamic mottos. It is a process.
And it exists not only in a theater, and not even in art, but in culture, in life.
Berezil has a lot to do with theater, because it gives emotional answers on all of its perceptions
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