was born in 1963 in Versailles, France.

action art artist – visual art

live and work in Loupian, France

Her first artistic works are photographic. Her researches on the connexions between displacements physical body / mental body in different places/territory quickly bring her attention on the action of her own body in the act of taking pictures. For her, the action becomes more interesting than the photo.

She decides in 1995 to dedicate her artistic work mainly to action art.

My body in action is at the center of my artistic research.

My actions are experimentations.

The forms are often ritual actions they can also be repetitive, very short-time or very long.

Each intervention is a new attempt in conjunction with the territory, the location, the period, the kind of space where I do my action.

The topics I approach, objects and material I use are very close to my daily life, my encounters, my activities, the news…

I explore this body and its relation to environments, to others, to another: body, subject/object, matter/mind, always in interaction.  I wonder about ways of doing, thinking, on oppression and acts recognized or unrecognized that may affect the body. On what society tries to impose on this body in connection with society, culture, politics, domestic practices, sexuality, labor conditions, etc.

I create actions in which I put to the test my body to experiment with the behaviors of this body in its limits, its fragilities, its endurance, its resistance, its evolution; it’s functioning, its degeneration, its identity with porous/impenetrable, private/public, inside/outside borders.

I also do installations, objects and video art in link with my action artwork.


Partners and organizers